It’s a little late but after the Super Bowl and all of the other activities
going on in my life, I've decided to re-vamp my blog! Yes, that's right! That
means there is going to be more for you to find, more authors featured, more
books featured, more freebies, and most of all, more entries and more time with
me. Let's make this an every day occasion, with the exception of the
weekends of course, but who knows! We'll see where this takes us! First of
all, before we get started...
Also, congratulations in order
for Mr. Tom Brady, Super Bowl 51's MVP!

Find Misty on Facebook!
Please tell us a little about yourself. I hate talking about myself. I assume everybody feels this way because it’s
just easier to write about other people. I don’t even know where to start. I am
a mother of 4 biologically and I have one step-daughter. I am currently
married. I have completed 9 years of college. I have an Associate’s degree, a
Bachelor’s degree, and I almost had an MBA. I had one class left when I had the
twins and I just couldn’t finish it. I tried twice. Maybe I will go back and
finish soon. My hobbies include writing (of course!), reading, sewing,
listening to music, fishing, and drawing. I do like casual sports when I am in
the mood like bowling, pool (yeah, I am not calling it billiards because I am
not 800 years old), basketball, football, and a few others. I also co-own a
company that offers promotional services to authors with my sister-in-law Terra
James. We started SILBLS Book Promotions in July of 2015 and we’re still going!
Oh, and my current favorite TV show is still Once Upon a Time!
What were you like in school? I was
horrible with school. I hated school. I honestly only went for the food. That
sounds bad, but I loved school pizza! I didn’t have many friends. I struggled
with depression through middle school. I eventually got out of the depression
on my own and became an emo kid. Now, 13 years after high school, I have found
out that some of my classmates were scared of me. I have no idea why! I only
got in trouble twice. ISS once and Saturday school once and that was in high
school. I ended up pregnant my sophomore year, was home-schooled the first 6
weeks of my junior year, then I dropped out completely after homeschooling was
over and my daughter was born. I eventually went on to get my GED the same year
I would have graduated high school.
When did it become obvious that you loved writing? At some point in high school. I wrote a story about my
friends and how it was going to be when we grew up. It was like an alternate
life, and my love for writing only grew from that point on.
Where would you like your writing career to go? I want what every writer wants. To hit it big even if it’s just once. If
that doesn’t happen, I just want to know that people enjoy what I write. That
would be enough for me. If neither of those happen, then I will continue
writing for myself in hopes that my stories inspire someone else or help
someone escape from reality the way I do when I write them.
What writers (if any) have inspired you? Quinn Loftis, Terra James, Emersyn Vallis, J.K. Rowling, Stephanie Meyer,
E.L. James, J. R. R. Tolkien, George R. R. Martin, H. Lynn Bowers.
What have you written? I have written and
published one book so far. Destiny of the Fae. I am currently working on book
two in the Destiny of the Fae series, which is titled Destiny of the Fae:
Driven by Blood. I am also working on a co-writing project with Terra James
titled Their Gift. I have other books in the works, but they are still in the
planning phase.
What genre are your books? My main
genre is paranormal romance with a touch of erotica. The co-writing project
that I am currently working on is contemporary romance. I have a crime romance
in the works as well.
What draws you to a particular genre? I am a hopeless romantic and I love anything with a touch of romance in it.
I like to see how the characters handle what life throws at them. Maybe I am
weird, I don’t know, but romance will always be my favorite genre.
What actors or actresses would you like to see playing the leading roles in
your latest release? I have honestly not
thought about that too hard. Let’s see…
Elizabeth: Jessica Alba
Cristian: Ian Somerhalder
Cassie: Gabrielle Union
Jacob: Channing Tatum
Erika: Candice Accola
Adrian: Zac Efron
Vampire Queen: Lana Parilla
Do you write everyday? If so, do you aim for a specific daily goal? I don’t write every day. I write when the time allows.
Did I mention I had 4 kids at home? Any word count is an accomplishment to me!
What is the hardest thing about writing in your opinion? The hardest thing about writing would be editing! That
and choosing names. It takes me forever to choose names and titles! Writing
itself is the easy part!
Have you ever gotten writer's block? If so, what helped you to get through
it? I usually just take a break from writing.
It happens often, but a real writer knows when the itch is there!
Do you proofread and edit your own work? If not, how do you choose the
person who will proofread and edit for you? I proofread and edit my own work several times until I send to my editor.
I currently have an editor, but if she happened to be busy then I would choose
another based on recommendations.
What would you say to someone who left you a negative review on one of your
books? I like honest reviews. I like constructive
criticism. If a reviewer left a review out of spite, jealousy, or to just be
nasty then I can usually tell and just ignore it. We NEVER EVER CALL OUT OUR
READERS ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Sure, I may talk about it with my friends, but I will
never do something so unprofessional and spread this all over Facebook. Most of
the time I feel like I can improve my work from reviews. It lets me know what
the reader wants. You can usually tell the fake reviews from the real ones.
What is your favorite book? I don’t
have a favorite single book. There are so many! I could never choose!

Thank you so much for allowing me the time to interview you. Misty is
giving away one eBook copy of her book, Destiny of the Fae to one
of our lucky subscribers! All you have to do is subscribe to my blog, go and
like her on Facebook, and comment here that you have done so. (We will verify
that you have subscribed here and liked her page.) No one other than They
Wrote What?! is responsible for this giveaway, no matter where it is shared!
Pick up YOUR very own copy of Destiny of the Fae today!
Have you been looking out for the random word(s) or phrases that are
green in entries? There was no winner in January and for February, I'm
going to give away a $20 Amazon gift card. All you have to do is comment
with the word(s) or phrase that is green to be entered to win. Remember, not
every entry will remind you of this giveaway, but every entry WILL
have a chance to win! Again, no one else is responsible for this giveaway other
than They Wrote What?!
Have a happy Tuesday!
Upcoming author list will be coming soon!