Monday, March 20, 2017

Author Feature - Terra James

I think I completely missed last week. I apologize for that. With everything going on, I'm also looking for a full-time job and planning the our one year blogiversary! =) I have a big interview this morning and if everything goes alright, although I've worked there before, I'll probably take the job, we need this. Anyways, I have a special feature for you today! And you have three chances to win. Today. please tap your keyboards and send a warm welcome to Author Terra James!

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I started writing poetry when I was ten. I can’t remember when I realized I wanted to be a writer. I think I’ve just always writer, because it was a part of me.

How long does it take you to write a book?
It depends on my daily schedule. I have had a lot going on lately with family sickness. I published my first book on June 19, 2015, and was so inspired I published the second book seven days later on June 26, 2015. I published a total of four books in six months. In 2016, I only published a short story in an anthology and one book. So for me, it really varies with everything going on in my personal life.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

When I get inspired, I write for hours without even knowing any time has passed really. I never use an outline. I just write whatever comes to me. It is never planned.

Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
I got the idea for the Immortal series from my children. They love fantasies but I wanted it to be unique. I didn’t want it to just be about vampires or werewolves, so I put a little bit of every supernatural species in the series. Chaotic Evolution Trilogy is inspired by a nightmare/dream that I had one night. Speaking Emotions is inspired by my daughter’s struggle with autism. My short story Jaden’s Miracle, in Detours in Our Destination, was inspired to be written in remembrance of my angel baby. I get my ideas from just about everywhere. lol

When did you write your first book and how old were you?
I wrote my first book when I was ten. It was a book of poetry. I wrote my first novel in 2015 when I was 34.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I like to do a lot of things. Some people say I am a workaholic. I run two blogs, a book promotion page, and I am an avid reader. I love being creative, and design book covers, teasers, and trailers. When I am not doing something book related, I can be found in lego land, swimming, watching movies, or something with my kids/family.

What does your family think of your writing?
My family is supportive of my writing.

How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I have written five books so far, and Speaking Emotions is my favorite. It is close to my heart because it’s inspiration came from my daughter.

Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
I hear from my readers a lot. They have positive things to say about my writing. One of the things they have commented on is my passion.

What do you think makes a good story?
I think anything can be a good story with passion and inspiration behind it.

As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

I wanted to be a child psychologist when I grew up. J

Thank you so much Terra for letting us get into your brain just a little! You seem like a wonderful person and I am happy to call you friend! 

Terra is giving away one copy of each of her Immortal books posted here! Comment for your chance to grab one!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Wendi Starusnak - The Fleischer Series


Today I have a special treat, at least for me! Yes, I'm having a fangirl moment. One of the first authors that I was able to explore in the Indie World was Wendi Starusnak. Wendy has an amazing talent and I literally could not put down her first book of The Fleischer Series, Detached. I carried my phone everywhere with me. From changing my newborns diapers - to cooking - and going to sleep, I had that book open until I finally finished it. My heart grew with the characters, I constantly thought about them. about what was going to happen, about what I could do to help them. I don't know about you, but when I'm reading a book, these things are important.

I was blessed with the awesomeness of being able to interview Wendi Starusnak and I'm grateful! Grateful doesn't even begin to describe what is in my mind, actually. So, without further ado, please tap your fingers on your keyboards as I give you the ONE AND ONLY
Wendi Starusnak!

What is the first book that made you cry?  The Diary of Anne Frank

Does writing energize or exhaust you?  It definitely energizes me.

What is your writing Kryptonite?  Lack of time and also self-doubt… sometimes it creeps in there and puts a pause on productivity.

Do you try to be more original or to deliver to readers what they want?  I don’t think about any of that when I’m writing.  I normally just get a book in my head… it plays like a movie and I write it down.

How do other authors help you become a better writer?  Encouraging, competing, advise, trading services, and so much more… the ability to take someone from where they’re at and bring them into a world completely made up by someone else is amazing.

Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book? My first set of books is a series (The Fleischer Series), so I definitely wanted connections between each book there.  The book I’m currently working on is a standalone called The Seed.  I love books that can stand completely on their own but I also love when a story carries on, so either is fine with me.  Either way, if a book is good, it will carry itself, just as one book can ruin an entire series.

What authors did you dislike at first but grew into?  I’m not sure that I’ve ever disliked an author or their writing. There’s something to be learned from everything, even the most boring stuff or stuff that’s poorly written.

What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?  I’ve read many books recently by indie authors that deserve to be seen by the masses. There is a ton of undiscovered talent out there.

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?  A fairy… I love fairies.

What does literary success look like to you?  I love hearing so many people say they love my books and couldn’t put them down… that’s a huge success right there. Also, unfortunately, it also is a financial thing. If I could support my family with my books, that would be…. Well, it would be a
dream come true.

What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?  I don’t really have a problem with it. I can write from a child’s point of view, man, or woman’s.  I just have to put myself in that character’s position and think about who they are, what kinds of things they love, hate, and what they would be thinking about, etc.

How many hours a day do you write?  It all depends.  Sometimes I write on and off as I can all through the day and sometimes I only think about writing.  I’m working on becoming more disciplined with that though… from the beginning of actually writing for publication I have always set a daily word count goal and I’ve picked back up with that.

What did you edit out of your most recent book?  Nothing yet.  I’m the opposite of a lot of writer’s I know. I may ramble on for things like interviews and when I’m speaking in person, but in my books I’m pretty tight and concise and have to add when I edit rather
than take out.

How do you select the names of your characters?  It varies.  For the Fleischer Series I researched popular names for the time period, I also asked if anyone wanted me to use their name in the book, etc.  One thing nobody has ever mentioned to me and I’m not sure if anyone ever realized it or not… for their last name Fleischer, I actually looked up what the German word for butcher was and used that.  For The Seed, my youngest daughter suggested names for the mother and daughter and I went with those.

To find Wendi on Facebook, click here. You can also click on any of the book covers to be taken straight to Amazon where you can purchase that particular book. 

They Wrote What Book Blogging by Jessy B gives The Fleischer Series 2 thumbs up!👍👍

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A. M. Johnson - Azore's Quest & Witches The Chronicles of #10

They Wrote What?!

Not too shabby! We’re certainly on our way to a better tomorrow! We have another author interview for you today! This has certainly been a busy week in my house, I’m not sure about yours but it has been crazy here! Here we are, but making progress at bringing you even more authors and an even better horizon. =) Onward and upward in all things, right? Well, let’s get you just a little more involved, what is your favorite book? Mine is hard to choose, the Bible, obviously, and then there’s Wurthering Heights and Angels Watching Over Me.

With all of that, I will now introduce you to a wonderful writer, author of Azore’s Quest and Witches The Chronicles of #10 (book 1), A. M. Johnson. A. M. Johnson has taken the time out of her day to provide us with a little insight behind her books and who she is! Now, without further ado, please tap your keyboards and welcome,

A. M. Johnson

When did you
first realize you wanted to be a writer?
From the time I could read well enough to read Enid Blyton or Stephen King. I have always loved playing with words, all through school I loved writing book reports and reading. I wrote several short stories in the early 80’s and had at least one published. But then life got in the way of my dream, so it got put on the back burner. I started seriously writing around 2010 but it was only in July 2016 that I actually found Amazon self-publish and published my first book and I haven’t looked back.
How long does it take you to write a book?
Depends, I wrote my first an 81-page novella in a couple of months, the next book which was 180 pages took 2 months from start to finish. I have been working on my current WIP since Oct 2016. It is longer by far and very full on. So anywhere from 2 months to 6 months. 
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Because of arthritis I can only type for around 20 minutes at a time as it kills my hands, But I found that with a fat fountain pen I can write for hours. So my quirk is that I write every word firstly using a fountain pen and a refillable leather notebook. I then take my time to put it on the PC. 
Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
From everywhere, the simplest of things will inspire me to write. Witches the Chronicles of #10 was inspired by a customer who made a comment about sounding like witches, the café was, is called Number 10. And well an idea was jotted down by me and a novel which has become a series has happened. The story just seems to happen, once I have an idea and a basic plot I pick up my pen and just write. 
When did you write your first book and how old were you?
Short story in the 80’s I would have been 18/19
Full book 2016 at the age of 51
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I love to read, I also enjoy cross stitch and making my own cheese, but the thing for me at the moment is about making plant balls, great fun.
What does your family think of your writing?
Lol…My mum was unimpressed with my first Azore’s Quest as it is an erotic adventure series, she approved of my second, Witches as it is nice, although she was not happy about the first one, she is extremely proud of me. My baby brother is waiting for me to get rich so I can give him so cold hard cash. My hubby Ian is proud that I am following my dream and he is waiting for a Bugatti Veyron 
How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
Two published and out there in the big wide world, with a third to follow. I can’t pick a favourite as they are so very different. I love Azore’s Quest because it was my first and the characters grew so very much from the start to the ‘will be continued’ ending. Witches I adore, as it is inspired by people that I know and love.
Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
The online community has been so very welcoming; readers have been so taken by my stories. My local community has been amazing with buying paperbacks from me, and I see a lot of these people every day and everyone has been so very positive about both of the books. Some have blushed over Azore’s Quest but in all honesty, feedback from both in person and online has been very positive and supportive!

What do you think makes a good story?
A first chapter that grabs you and refuses to let go. Strong characters that make you fall for them, even the bad guy should evoke enough passion to hate him. A good story line.
As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
I wanted to be a writer. It took a long time between now and then for my words to be published but it happened. So now I am doing exactly as I dreamed of doing as a small child on my grandparents hop farm. I would read Enid Blyton and wish that one day I could put words together that people other than my family would want to read them.

Thank you so much A. M. Johnson for taking the time out of your day to join us here! You can find her on FACEBOOK! Follow her on TWITTER! Follow her on GOODREADS! View her AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE! Check out her WEBSITE!

A.M. is giving away a straight to kindle copy of Azore's Quest and a straight to kindle copy of Witches The Chronicles of #10. For your chance to win, simply leave a comment! 

To grab your copy of
Witches The Chronicles of #10, click here! To grab your copy of Azore's Quest, click here!

Don't forget about your green words!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Misty Nickels ~ Author of Destiny of the Fae


It’s a little late but after the Super Bowl and all of the other activities going on in my life, I've decided to re-vamp my blog! Yes, that's right! That means there is going to be more for you to find, more authors featured, more books featured, more freebies, and most of all, more entries and more time with me. Let's make this an every day occasion, with the exception of the weekends of course, but who knows! We'll see where this takes us! First of all, before we get started...

Also, congratulations in order for Mr. Tom Brady, Super Bowl 51's MVP!

Now, without further ado, please tap your keyboards for our featured author, Misty Nickels. Misty is the author of Destiny of the Fae, the first book in her series and is currently working on book two along with a special surprise that her and author Terra James are completing together! I had the wonderful chance of interviewing her and I'm going to share that with you! 
Find Misty on Facebook!
Please tell us a little about yourself. I hate talking about myself. I assume everybody feels this way because it’s just easier to write about other people. I don’t even know where to start. I am a mother of 4 biologically and I have one step-daughter. I am currently married. I have completed 9 years of college. I have an Associate’s degree, a Bachelor’s degree, and I almost had an MBA. I had one class left when I had the twins and I just couldn’t finish it. I tried twice. Maybe I will go back and finish soon. My hobbies include writing (of course!), reading, sewing, listening to music, fishing, and drawing. I do like casual sports when I am in the mood like bowling, pool (yeah, I am not calling it billiards because I am not 800 years old), basketball, football, and a few others. I also co-own a company that offers promotional services to authors with my sister-in-law Terra James. We started SILBLS Book Promotions in July of 2015 and we’re still going! Oh, and my current favorite TV show is still Once Upon a Time!
What were you like in school? I was horrible with school. I hated school. I honestly only went for the food. That sounds bad, but I loved school pizza! I didn’t have many friends. I struggled with depression through middle school. I eventually got out of the depression on my own and became an emo kid. Now, 13 years after high school, I have found out that some of my classmates were scared of me. I have no idea why! I only got in trouble twice. ISS once and Saturday school once and that was in high school. I ended up pregnant my sophomore year, was home-schooled the first 6 weeks of my junior year, then I dropped out completely after homeschooling was over and my daughter was born. I eventually went on to get my GED the same year I would have graduated high school.
When did it become obvious that you loved writing? At some point in high school. I wrote a story about my friends and how it was going to be when we grew up. It was like an alternate life, and my love for writing only grew from that point on.
Where would you like your writing career to go? I want what every writer wants. To hit it big even if it’s just once. If that doesn’t happen, I just want to know that people enjoy what I write. That would be enough for me. If neither of those happen, then I will continue writing for myself in hopes that my stories inspire someone else or help someone escape from reality the way I do when I write them.
What writers (if any) have inspired you? Quinn Loftis, Terra James, Emersyn Vallis, J.K. Rowling, Stephanie Meyer, E.L. James, J. R. R. Tolkien, George R. R. Martin, H. Lynn Bowers.
What have you written? I have written and published one book so far. Destiny of the Fae. I am currently working on book two in the Destiny of the Fae series, which is titled Destiny of the Fae: Driven by Blood. I am also working on a co-writing project with Terra James titled Their Gift. I have other books in the works, but they are still in the planning phase.
What genre are your books? My main genre is paranormal romance with a touch of erotica. The co-writing project that I am currently working on is contemporary romance. I have a crime romance in the works as well.
What draws you to a particular genre? I am a hopeless romantic and I love anything with a touch of romance in it. I like to see how the characters handle what life throws at them. Maybe I am weird, I don’t know, but romance will always be my favorite genre.
What actors or actresses would you like to see playing the leading roles in your latest release? I have honestly not thought about that too hard. Let’s see…

Elizabeth: Jessica Alba
Ben: Charlie Hunnam
Cristian: Ian Somerhalder
Cassie: Gabrielle Union
Jacob: Channing Tatum
Erika: Candice Accola
Adrian: Zac Efron
Vampire Queen: Lana Parilla
Do you write everyday? If so, do you aim for a specific daily goal? I don’t write every day. I write when the time allows. Did I mention I had 4 kids at home? Any word count is an accomplishment to me!
What is the hardest thing about writing in your opinion? The hardest thing about writing would be editing! That and choosing names. It takes me forever to choose names and titles! Writing itself is the easy part!
Have you ever gotten writer's block? If so, what helped you to get through it? I usually just take a break from writing. It happens often, but a real writer knows when the itch is there!
Do you proofread and edit your own work? If not, how do you choose the person who will proofread and edit for you? I proofread and edit my own work several times until I send to my editor. I currently have an editor, but if she happened to be busy then I would choose another based on recommendations.
What would you say to someone who left you a negative review on one of your books? I like honest reviews. I like constructive criticism. If a reviewer left a review out of spite, jealousy, or to just be nasty then I can usually tell and just ignore it. We NEVER EVER CALL OUT OUR READERS ON SOCIAL MEDIA! Sure, I may talk about it with my friends, but I will never do something so unprofessional and spread this all over Facebook. Most of the time I feel like I can improve my work from reviews. It lets me know what the reader wants. You can usually tell the fake reviews from the real ones.
What is your favorite book? I don’t have a favorite single book. There are so many! I could never choose!
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Somewhere that’s warm all year. Not super-hot, just warm. Tennessee weather is something else. It could be 70 degrees one day, and 2 the next. We have seen this. It does happen.
Thank you so much for allowing me the time to interview you. Misty is giving away one eBook copy of her book, Destiny of the Fae to one of our lucky subscribers! All you have to do is subscribe to my blog, go and like her on Facebook, and comment here that you have done so. (We will verify that you have subscribed here and liked her page.) No one other than They Wrote What?! is responsible for this giveaway, no matter where it is shared!
Pick up YOUR very own copy of Destiny of the Fae today!  
Have you been looking out for the random word(s) or phrases that are green in entries? There was no winner in January and for February, I'm going to give away a $20 Amazon gift card. All you have to do is comment with the word(s) or phrase that is green to be entered to win. Remember, not every entry will remind you of this giveaway, but every entry WILL have a chance to win! Again, no one else is responsible for this giveaway other than They Wrote What?!
Have a happy Tuesday!

Upcoming author list will be coming soon!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Kristen Middleton - Claimed by the Lycan

Making the New Year Count

Another post, only a week apart, maybe I can make my goal of posting more often! I like being here with you guys and sharing things with you. What to share today? Well, I found an amazing meatloaf recipe on Facebook and I'm currently baking meatloaf, let's hope that it's as good as it looks! I have a new book for you guys today; and I'd like to remind you to keep a look out for the green quote or words! Remember, you could win something weekly and monthly! Last week, no one commented, so let's get that moving this week! Remember, to be entered into the giveaway all you need to do is comment with the quote or words that are green in the post!

What Do You Want Out of a Good Book?

When I'm reading a good book, I want it to stand out. I want to think about it when I put it down. I want to wonder what's going to happen and think about it in my head. I don't want to be bored by it, I want to be entwined in the plot, I want to feel the characters' emotions. What makes a good book for you?

Claimed by the Lycan 

by Kristen Middleton

ONLY $.99!
Written by USA Today bestselling author K.L. Middleton.
Megan Fontaine has been on the run for the last eighteen years, hiding from a crazed Lycan Alpha obsessed with possessing her. Now that her unsuspecting daughter, Caitlyn, is nearing her first Blue Moon as a Lycan, however, she decides to return to Pine River, Minnesota, reunite with her mother, and face the demons that have been haunting her for the past eighteen years.

Torin Rylan’s mission was to locate Megan Fontaine for a bounty that would help pay his hefty gambling debt. But after an unsuspecting encounter in the woods with the female Lycan, he finds himself wanting to undermine his employer and claim the red-haired beauty for himself.

For mature readers (adult situations and language).

I'm looking for more followers! I hope you've enjoyed today's blog entry and I'd like to ask something of you, please share this blog entry with your friends. I'm looking to build my followers and those who are reading my blog. If you share this blog and someone subscribes to me, comment and let me know or have them comment. Whomever has the most shares and referrals will automatically get 5 entries into the end of January giveaway of a special gift card. 

Until next time, ~Jessi B

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Kristie Shafer & Cassie Alexandra ~ Phoenix Rising

It's a New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I hope this year brings greatness, success, and love to all of you! It has occurred to me that New Year's resolutions are often neglected after a month of trying, so this year, I'm going to make mine count. This year, I shall focus on happiness and my blog. It is my goal to ensure I am posting to my blog and featuring a new author at least three times a week. In addition, I hope to bring more followers and give away prizes at the end of each week and month. Weekly prizes will likely consist of ebooks, but prizes at the end of the month will be random gift cards! So, to my loyal followers, share my blog. If you have an author you would like to feature, please feel free to email me, or message me on FB

With that being said, let's feature our first book of 2017! 

Phoenix Rising

by Kristie Shafer & Cassie Alexandra
Pre-order only $.99 (will be $3.99 Feb 1st)

A biker collaboration written by USA Today bestselling author Cassie Alexandra and Amazon bestselling author, Kristie Shafer.

Lily and Vaughn grew up together in the small town of Stillwater, Minnesota. Although they were good friends, Lily's parents never approved of the hell-raising biker. Not only did he and his family hang out with a notorious motorcycle club, the Steel Bandits, Vaughn just wasn't good enough for their daughter, and they refused to let her see him. Young and influenced by her parents, Lily was forced to obey their rules, hurting Vaughn in the process.

-Fast forward six years later-

Lily, who moved away to Chicago after high school, is back in town for a family reunion. She runs into Vaughn and finds that he's sexier than ever, but still holding a grudge. Still, there is no denying the attraction they have for each other and eventually things heat up between the couple. Their relationship comes with a price, however. Vaughn is now a patched member of the Steel Bandits and his world is dangerous, especially for Lily now that his enemies know what she means to him...

This story contains crude language, sexual situations, and violence. Is not suitable for readers under the age of 18. Please do not buy if any of this offends you. This is a work of fiction and is not meant to be a true depiction of a motorcycle club. It was written for entertainment only.


Blog Giveaways

To be considered for the weekly and monthly giveaways, I will include a random phrase in each blog post. When you find that phase that will always stand out and be green, simply comment with the phrase. I will check each post for comments. Also, there will not always be a reminder in posts such as this one that will tell you that this is the phrase. The phrase can be anything including a quote from the author. Have you found today's phrase?