Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A. M. Johnson - Azore's Quest & Witches The Chronicles of #10

They Wrote What?!

Not too shabby! We’re certainly on our way to a better tomorrow! We have another author interview for you today! This has certainly been a busy week in my house, I’m not sure about yours but it has been crazy here! Here we are, but making progress at bringing you even more authors and an even better horizon. =) Onward and upward in all things, right? Well, let’s get you just a little more involved, what is your favorite book? Mine is hard to choose, the Bible, obviously, and then there’s Wurthering Heights and Angels Watching Over Me.

With all of that, I will now introduce you to a wonderful writer, author of Azore’s Quest and Witches The Chronicles of #10 (book 1), A. M. Johnson. A. M. Johnson has taken the time out of her day to provide us with a little insight behind her books and who she is! Now, without further ado, please tap your keyboards and welcome,

A. M. Johnson

When did you
first realize you wanted to be a writer?
From the time I could read well enough to read Enid Blyton or Stephen King. I have always loved playing with words, all through school I loved writing book reports and reading. I wrote several short stories in the early 80’s and had at least one published. But then life got in the way of my dream, so it got put on the back burner. I started seriously writing around 2010 but it was only in July 2016 that I actually found Amazon self-publish and published my first book and I haven’t looked back.
How long does it take you to write a book?
Depends, I wrote my first an 81-page novella in a couple of months, the next book which was 180 pages took 2 months from start to finish. I have been working on my current WIP since Oct 2016. It is longer by far and very full on. So anywhere from 2 months to 6 months. 
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Because of arthritis I can only type for around 20 minutes at a time as it kills my hands, But I found that with a fat fountain pen I can write for hours. So my quirk is that I write every word firstly using a fountain pen and a refillable leather notebook. I then take my time to put it on the PC. 
Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
From everywhere, the simplest of things will inspire me to write. Witches the Chronicles of #10 was inspired by a customer who made a comment about sounding like witches, the café was, is called Number 10. And well an idea was jotted down by me and a novel which has become a series has happened. The story just seems to happen, once I have an idea and a basic plot I pick up my pen and just write. 
When did you write your first book and how old were you?
Short story in the 80’s I would have been 18/19
Full book 2016 at the age of 51
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I love to read, I also enjoy cross stitch and making my own cheese, but the thing for me at the moment is about making plant balls, great fun.
What does your family think of your writing?
Lol…My mum was unimpressed with my first Azore’s Quest as it is an erotic adventure series, she approved of my second, Witches as it is nice, although she was not happy about the first one, she is extremely proud of me. My baby brother is waiting for me to get rich so I can give him so cold hard cash. My hubby Ian is proud that I am following my dream and he is waiting for a Bugatti Veyron 
How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
Two published and out there in the big wide world, with a third to follow. I can’t pick a favourite as they are so very different. I love Azore’s Quest because it was my first and the characters grew so very much from the start to the ‘will be continued’ ending. Witches I adore, as it is inspired by people that I know and love.
Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
The online community has been so very welcoming; readers have been so taken by my stories. My local community has been amazing with buying paperbacks from me, and I see a lot of these people every day and everyone has been so very positive about both of the books. Some have blushed over Azore’s Quest but in all honesty, feedback from both in person and online has been very positive and supportive!

What do you think makes a good story?
A first chapter that grabs you and refuses to let go. Strong characters that make you fall for them, even the bad guy should evoke enough passion to hate him. A good story line.
As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
I wanted to be a writer. It took a long time between now and then for my words to be published but it happened. So now I am doing exactly as I dreamed of doing as a small child on my grandparents hop farm. I would read Enid Blyton and wish that one day I could put words together that people other than my family would want to read them.

Thank you so much A. M. Johnson for taking the time out of your day to join us here! You can find her on FACEBOOK! Follow her on TWITTER! Follow her on GOODREADS! View her AMAZON AUTHOR PAGE! Check out her WEBSITE!

A.M. is giving away a straight to kindle copy of Azore's Quest and a straight to kindle copy of Witches The Chronicles of #10. For your chance to win, simply leave a comment! 

To grab your copy of
Witches The Chronicles of #10, click here! To grab your copy of Azore's Quest, click here!

Don't forget about your green words!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo!!
    I had fun answering your questions..
    Thank you so much!
